Producing quality media content is not as hard as it seems.......if your heart is truly behind the work that you produce.


Corey BB Profile w Mic.png

Capturing the City


Capturing the life and lives of the city by way of timelapse, aerial drone footage, local reviews and photography.


Take a glimpse into this living world.




My name is Corey Ashley.  I am an independent media producer and voice talent.  I am a Brooklyn, NY native and I have lived in Brooklyn for most of my life.

I am a military veteran, that is also an industry certified IT professional.

My first exposure to media production happened back in a high school project.  It was the first time I held a professional camera and microphone.  Much later on, I appeared as an on air personality with my best friend, as a video game reviewer, which started to gain some steam in the local gaming world.

A few years later, the idea of Brooklyn Baritone came about to further express my desire to create my own quality media and production.  The name came from brainstorming between myself and the Mrs.  I am also an active member and producer at BRIC, Brooklyn Information and Culture, a Brooklyn based public access channel and center for independent producers.